Twisted Combination
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Introduction and Rules :)

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Introduction and Rules :) Empty Introduction and Rules :)

Post by Admin Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:30 pm


Hello! I would like to say first what this forum is all about. Well, it is created for those who wanted to learn----learn in the means of sketching, using paint application, and as well comprehending stories to the point that they can imagine the whole scene or more or less draw what they feel about it...


1.) No cursing other  members or other member's post. We are all level-headed individuals here.
2.)  Don't be shy to ask questions to other members, including the administrator, it is highly appreciated if you will learn every time you logged in here.
3.) Give some information concerning to a post if you know something about it, everyone has rights to share valuable information here.


Posts : 24
Join date : 2015-08-08
Age : 28
Location : Philippines

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